[歌词翻译] Leaving -Pet shop boys

给  @秋秋球  备用。

主要是  @一去不还唯少年 酥酥巨翻译的。我做了改动。

I know enough's enough and you're leaving 我知道应该适可而止  而你也正离我而去

You've had enough time to decide on your freedom 你花了许多时间 决意奔向你的自由 

But I can still find some hope to believe in love 但我仍旧对爱怀抱希望

Our love is dead  我们的爱情已经死去

But the dead don't go away  但死亡并非一切的终结

They made us what we are 死亡塑造了今日的我们

The're with us every day 他们时刻伴随着我们

Our love is dead 我们的爱情已经死去

But the dead are still alive 但死去的依然存在

In memory and thought 在我们的回忆与思考里

And the context they provide 给我们深思的空间

I know enough's enough and you're leaving 我知道你已忍无可忍 决意离开

You've had enough time to decide on your freedom 你花了许多时间 决意奔向你的自由 

But I can still find some hope to believe in love 但我仍旧对爱怀抱希望

Our love is dead 我们的爱情已经死去

But the dead are here to stay 但死去的会长久留存

They made us what we are 死亡塑造了今日的我们

They're with us every day 他们时刻伴随着我们

In darkest night 最黑暗的夜里

The memory keeps us strong 昔日的回忆让我们坚强

And if our love is dead 即便我们的爱情已经死去

It won't be dead for long 但不会永远如此


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